RBBQ RBL-5 77161 at Cicero, Illinois on an unknown day in June 1891, photo by Chuck Zeiler. This car was likely in captive service. I managed to photograph it on three different dates between 1979 and 1981, all at Cicero. This car was one of 150 insulated boxcars built at the CB&Q's Havelock, Nebraska shops in 1967 numbered 77100-77249, this particular car is stencilled BLT. 8.67 HV. One the end it is stencilled (top to bottom): C-60 AXLE, 33" IW C.S. WHLS., ROLLER BEARINGS 6X11, 3 11/16" SPRING TRAVEL, KEYSTONE. The last stencil, KEYSTONE, refers to the cushion underframe. |